Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I have a MacGregor gold club with a loft of 60 degress but it has a "P" on it. Why?

The club has a 60 degree loft. However, the symbol above "60" is "P." It is a Jack Nicklaus Personal club. I was just looking through my garage for a lob wedge to use and was happy to find one with a loft a 60 degree but I am confused why it has a "P" instead of an "L."|||Until recently when many people began carrying four wedges, there was a lot less control in the lofts assigned to wedges. So, a 60* pitching wedge might have been possible. Also, club lofts have become stronger over the years. My current clubs have lofts 4-5 degrees stronger than the set I owned twenty years ago. My previous set had a seven-iron with 37* loft; most seven irons today are about 32*. That is how manufacturers can claim their clubs are longer; of course they are, you're hitting a six iron with "7" written on the bottom. Of course, it really doesn't matter as long as the difference between the clubs in the set are consistent and uniform.|||pitching wedge|||it could be a misprint on the club

or one of them means something else

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