Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Guilty Pleasure: Roy MacGregor's 'The Screech Owls.'?

I had a few of these books lying around my house in my teenybopper years and they are half the reason I began playing hockey again. They're aimed at younger hockey-loving children, but in my opinion, anyone who picks up a Screech Owls book will fall in love.

My cousins %26amp;I were at the mall, and while they were spending money on theme park bracelets, I blew all my money on a 3-in-one Screech Owls book. I've read most of them.

Basically, I owe my love of hockey to Roy MacGregor.

Has anyone else read the Screech Owls?

Why? Favorite book and character?|||I remember reading them when I was younger. My favorite was definitely "The Night They Stole the Stanley Cup".

Here is a list of all the books ... maybe you can pick up the ones you didn't read yet online or from the library (that's where I got them when I was younger).

http://www.screechowls.com/books/index.h鈥?/a>|||i've read them, they're really good!! my fave character is probly travis or nish. nish is such a wierdo. fave book...idk, all that i've read i guess, specially the ones with the most hockey.

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