Friday, November 11, 2011

What is your opinion of Rob Roy MacGregor?

He's Scottish like me, Gordon Brown, and Tony Blair. Long live Scotland and Long live Labour.|||He fought for what he believed in, tried to protect his family and home and didnt bow down to the "establishment."|||Hmmmm.....He looked a lot like Liam Neeson.....|||Ok, Long live Scotland, etc. but who is Rob Roy McGregor?|||a simple terrorist nothing more deserved everything he got!!|||what a great drink...|||It was 'ok' to read about him in the comic books!That about say's it all!|||Rob Roy Macgregor. Cattle stealer, rehabilitated.

I suspect you're not being entirely serious with the rest of your stuff.

For one thing, Labour have got a limited life expectancy. They've been superseded by left wing party. You know, like they used to be.

Long live Scotland, fair enough.

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