Friday, November 11, 2011

What is the difference between the name McGregor and MacGregor?

Do they come from different places? ...just wondering.

Thank you

Lakshmi|||McGregor is Irish, MacGregor is Scottish, just as McMillan is Irish and MacMillan is Scottish.|||McGregor and Macgregor mean the same and are interchangeable. Can't understand how you can select a best answer that is so wrong! FYI, I belong to the Macgregor clan myself.

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|||Nothing. The name was about before they started writing it down.|||Two different spellings of the same, original name. Maybe...LOL|||is it to do with irish or scottish?|||A|||McGregor is Irish, MacGregor is Scottish...:o)|||No difference. I t originally meant "son of Gregor", in Scots Gaelic.|||the difference is the letter "a"|||No difference that matters. The UK Post Office doesn't even make a difference between them in the telephone directory, where the MacGregors, McGregors, Macgregors and M'Gregors are all mixed together and sorted by their next initial.

The actual spelling is just a personal preference. Many Scots find when researching their family tree that their ancestors used one of the different spellings.|||The 'A' was omitted for a better pronounciation.[pronunciation]|||Mac is of Scots origin

Mc is of Irish origin|||Theres an "a" in the second name.|||One has an A in it and one doesn't!!!|||* The letter 'a' ... :-)|||no real difference...both Mc and mac have the meaning "son of" McGregor originates from being the son of Gregor.......look up genealogy....many examples are given...

It is thought that Mc might be en "english or anglisized version" of Mac..........(See O'Driscoll....for Irish....Of Driscoll as in the son of Driscoll...)

I am English but my family is rooted in the McGregor Clan....allowing me to wear that desendants or clan of Rob Roy McGregor.. Scots bandit...lmao|||When I was much younger, my grandfather told me that Mc... was irish and Mac... was scottish, but being scottish, he may have had a coloured take on the issue.|||Yus my dear,

Mc without the A is considered an Irish Celtic Name, Whilst Mac with the A is Scottish Celtic.

But like all these things there are exceptions.

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