Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Please leave a message here for Alex MacGregor, VC?

Alex MacGregor VC, aged 93, of Reading, Berkshire. He has been let out of Hospice to end his days peacefully at his home with his son, me (his grandson) and my two sisters.

Alex was a road worker all his life, retiring thirteen years ago at the age of 70 and had two children, one of whom died young and was survived by my father. His wife, Daisy, died in 2001 of heart problems and he has been unconsole-able ever since.

During WW2 Alex served with the Light Infantry (rank of Lance Corporal) and earned the Victoria Cross for walking out in to enemy fire to retrieve his RSM, who had been hit by shrapnel and was unconscious. They remained close friends until the latter's death only a few months ago.

Alex is now very sick and does not have long left, and we are here to look after him and make sure he is comfortable. He is looknig forward to seeing all of his old Infantry friends again and tasting his wife's steak and kidney pie again.

He doesn't have many friends left...|||I'm 13 years old and anyone who's served in the 1st 2nd or both world wars has the respect of myself and my family and we are gratefull for the freedom we have today through men like him. Please thank him from us. xxxx|||God Bless Alex, sure the boys have a few beers set up waiting for you.

Would have been a privilege to have met you., heading across to the mess now (I'm in the RN) and will raise a few jars tonight to you.|||Give him a hug from me - and tell him I said thanks for serving!|||god bless you alex, we dont know we are born but you certainly do,and carry the medals to prove it...thanks|||Thank you for fighting for our freedom. God bless you....

"Yesterday I met a stranger...

Today this stranger is my friend"...

Karen x|||My family and I, all at one time or another serving members of the British Forces send to you our heart felt respect and much love for all that you have over the years given to your country, often without much pay back. But know this that the ones that have been there and done that feel nothing but love honour and respect for the ones that went before.

The light infantry has many many battle honours that it can hang from the flag, and as you know the LI is still going strong and they will ALWAYS have your name on its battle role, so my children's children will be able to look at your name etched and KNOW that what you did was brave, courageous and above all what any good light Infrantry man would do.

God speed to you.|||I salute you sir. You properly served God, King and Country and the award of the Victoria Cross is living proof of that. May your God in the after life continue to reward you with a full kit of every blessing possible.|||To Alex MacGregor, VC, God Speed and Thank You for your service. You have many friends, many that you have never met. May God Bless You

and Your Family!!

US ARMY (RETIRED) 1958 - 1979|||My dad fought in WWII.

I have such great respect for all members of "our greatest generation" and the sacrifices they made in order for us to live in freedom. They are a true inspiration to us "young 'uns" and what they did for us and our country will never be forgotten.

God Bless, Mr Macgregor VC. You are a truly great man and an inspiration to us all.|||To Mr Alex MacGregor, VC,

Sir its a pleasure to leave a message to a holder of the Victoria Cross and i am humbled that you have given me the opportunity to say hello and wish you the best.

Derek|||Give my best wishes to Alex I hope he enjoys the rest of his days with you. My father is also missing my mother very much she died last year and he is blind he says he will be able to see her again when he gets to the next world so I hope his right.

Good Luck to you as well for being so kind and thoughtful for an old war hero.|||Alex Thank you so much for the sacrifices you made while so young. Without you and your companions this country would have been a poorer place,

Now that you are not feeling so well, take comfort in the knowledge that your life has had great meaning and so many people will be forever grateful to you. God Bless you Alex and keep you safe xxx|||Alex, thank you for your efforts and valour, I pray that you find peace and your old comrades.

You and hero's like you should be commemorated and celebrated because without you we would not have the freedoms we enjoy and some abuse today.|||I wish Mr MacGregor the very best of health and happiness in his remaining years. Btw, his name does NOT appear among the published list of living VC holders.|||Thank you for fighting for my generation's freedom to live as we choose. My utmost respect and gratitude to you and all your comrades.|||Hi McGregor, it sure was mighty brave of you to dash out into the line of fire to save a soldier who got hit unconscious. Don't worry old guy, if it weren't for you that soldier would have died in the bombed out ditch. Be strong and never fear for though loneliness maybe with you, it is the human spirit that will never die.|||Could you please pass on my kindest regards and extreme gratitude to Mr MacGregor please?

It has brought a tear to a 40yr old blokes eye!

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