Friday, November 11, 2011

Is saying Squarebaw and MacGregor can return a resignation issue for Smith?

These two diddies not only made a fool of the SFA by being drunk in a public place, behind the manager`s back, they then compounded the error by acting like errant schoolboys by signing V signs at any camera in range. I don`t care how bad things are for the team, these two should NEVER return to it.|||ach dry your eyes..who cares how pished they were....quite a few including some of yer own only missed getting caught by the skin of thier teeth.....getting yer frillies in a knot over nothing are you not|||pish . they should never had been at the match anyway ,if he had the bawz to sack them instead of making a tit of the whole situation .if he had no intentions of playing them why did he have them on display . the man is a **** and he has been found out.|||Barry's getting to old now and hes enjoying life down south but Alan should be allowed back think hes learned his lesson and with Gordon being out for months it makes sense.

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