Friday, November 11, 2011

I want to buy a MacGregor 26 sailboat where is the best place to find one?

I have been looking for a MacGregor 26 x or M sailboat for about a month now . I have look on the internet and the boating magazines. I am willing to spend up to 15000 US to find one that suits me. any year 1997 to 2005. does anyone know of a site. I live in Sault ste. Marie Ontario Canada and I'm willing to travel up to 500 miles. thank you|||Here is some MacGregors for you. They're about 15000 USD, but maybe you'll find a solution with brokers.

1. MacGregor 1995 -鈥?/a>

2. MacGregor 2006 -鈥?/a>

Good Luck!|||go on

you should find one there.|||Check the web site for Soundings.

MacGregors seem to have a following, but they neither sail nor motor well. There is a group of owners, you might try that group for leads in your area.|||Please do yourself and everyone else a favor and look for something else. These are an eyesore, they're poorly built, and are a bad excuse for both a powerboat and a sailboat. Most boat owners look upon them and their owners with disdain.

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