Friday, November 11, 2011

Has anyone tried the Macgregor Fujikura shaft?

Has anyone tried the Macgregor Fujikura Quadra action shaft?

Does it create more distance compared with other Drivers out there ?

Some thoughts, please.

Thanks in advance.|||This is a really good stock shaft. It does help a little with distance, but distance is more about the club head than anything else. The shaft'll help keep torque at ideal levels so the club head is at its straightest when contacting the ball.|||Macgregor Fujikura Quadra loosely translated means waste your money.|||I have this club with the Fujikura stiff shaft. When I am swinging right I can hit my drives solid and well over 300 yds. My longest with this club has been 355 yds!! This is a excellant shaft that produces good distance with this club. I have the 3 - wood as well and it's just as good, averaging 260-275 yds.|||no

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